Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hot on StyleList

Hot on StyleList

It is all in the genes! Or is it in your mind? Attitude!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne On Ellen

Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne Open Up

Kelly Osbourne looked great!

I have to say that Kelly Osbourne has really transformed herself into a swan. Wow! She looked slender and very pretty. Nothing like her early days on her show with her family 'The Osbournes.' Her make up was done perfectly and her hair may have been a wig. Who cares? It still looked great and very blonde bombshell.

After she appeared on a season of the show "Dancing With The Stars,' she has dropped a lot of weight. From the interview on Ellen, it appears she is now sober and drug free as well.

Surely Kelly is keeping her new figure through some sort of exercise/weight management program.  Whatever she is doing, it is working! Good for Kelly Osbourne!

Keep watching. Kelly comes out about half way through the interview.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Being a recessionista has its benefits and in more ways than one.

By being a recessionista (definition: being conscious minded in saving money due to slow and/or low cash flow), you can save money for other important matters. However, who wants to crimp on style, fashion, cosmetics, and jewelry? I have found the answer in AVON. Yes, really AVON. This is no longer the little catalogue your Grandmother or a boring frumpy housewife would buy from. This is high end merchandise for a low cost and better than a drug store or discount market. AVON has added another 'book' to its company called MARK. This is another avenue of high end cosmetics, fashion, and jewelry.

AVON also has gone 'internet' in their sales! You can buy it right from an AVON rep on line anywhere in the US and get it delivered via shipping or if your are local straight from your rep.

Personally I have been so enamored by AVON's cosmetic line, all its other merchandise, and their MARK book, that I have signed up to be a sales rep!

Please, I invite you to my site and take a look. You might be surprised and delighted that you can have more for less. Email me throught the site about any questions you might have. Good luck in being a recessionista! :)
