Thursday, June 25, 2009

Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson's Death

What great loss to the entertainment and music industry. These people were icons for their pop genre decades and beyond. Farrah for her beauty and Michael for his music.

The great part of their lives is that they will always live on. Through the pictures, video footage, and music.

Farrah will always be known for Charlie's Angels and her famous 'feathered' hair. She suffered tremendously with her cancer and was always loved by her on/off again love, Ryan O'Neal.

Michael and his talent with music were unique beyond comparison. Ask any of the top music performers; Madonna, Cher, Smokey Robinson, Celion Dion, to name a few..... This was 'THE' greatest musican of our time. I was fortunate enough to see Michael in 1984, here in South Florida, and along with his brothers for the 'Jackson Tour.' Of course we all remember 'Thriller,' the song, the video, and the making of the video.

No one can ever replace these two, they will be greatly missed, and always loved.

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