Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I Want to Smack Jon Gosselin!

Have you read the new 'US Weekly' dated August 3, 2009? The cover reads 'Kate's Sad Kids.' It should read 'Jon's Sad Kids!!!!'

All we see from cover to cover of different publications or on entertainment news is about Jon's new and infamous personal life. From his girlfriends, to his possible new business venture with an Ed Hardy children's clothing line, to his European vacations, cavorting on yachts in the South of France, his luxury spending, and his casual relaxed jeans attire.

What about Kate? She is stuck home taking care of 8 children!!!! Yes, there are rumors of her affair and lifestyle changes. Think about it, she should have some rewards too?! Compared to Jon, she has the short end of the stick!

After all she gave birth twice, one set of twins and then the sextuplets (not and easy task for any woman). The viewers of the TLC show all know the details of the Jon and Kate raising their 8 kids. The viewers and non-viewers should unbiasedly think that she is the one doing the domestic duty the majority of the time. That has to be draining whether you have help or not. The drain can be mentality, spirituality, physically, and emotionally. So what if she is photographed having some alone time? At least she is fulfilling her job as a Mother!

Meanwhile Jon's role as a Father is clearly not his number one job or priority. He is becoming a poster child for single dads everywhere that if they are having trouble with their marriage, home life, or children to just leave. After all, Jon is glamorizing that effect with his new younger girlfriends, single life, and high lifestyle.

In the end, he is only hurting his children. They may not understand now, as they are too young. When they do and Jon realizes they do, he will have lost 8 of the best relationships he could have ever had.

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