Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Michael Jackson's Paternity?


The man was a single dad with three children. He could be the paternal Father? He could be an adopted parent? He could have had them via surrogate with anonymous donor egg and/or sperm? WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?!

Michael Jackson wanted children and to show them love. It is apparent he accomplished both. Why does it have to be any one's business?

'Some things in life are best unknown' would be the most appropriate in respect to a man that has lost his life too soon. A very talented man who has filled many hearts with his talent.

For those of us (myself being one) who really respect his passing, we know that these were his children that he loved and raised. They will most certainly miss their Father and 'no money' in the world can replace that.

The world should just let the gossip and negativity of Michael's paternity of his children be left alone and only their future be in mind. H

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