Friday, November 20, 2009

Beyonce & Lady Gaga's Eyeball Popping 'Video Phone'

Beyonce & Lady Gaga's Eyeball Popping 'Video Phone'

Monday, November 16, 2009

Love Isabella Fiore's Hobo Bags

You have to admit Isabella Fiore bags are eye-catching. From the detailed embroidery, dangling tassles, buckles, hardware, leather stitching, and dome studs.

Some of the bags have an over-the-shoulder handle and some have a satchel handle. They really emulate a glamorous hobo style that you could pair with either a casual jean look or even a rocked out leather look.

These are the bags of the season and would make a great gift idea for the holidays for those special friends and/or wives (hint-hint)

:) H

Thursday, November 12, 2009

CMAs Best Dressed

 Nicole Kidman was by far the best dressed for the 2009 CMA Awards. She choose a gown from the 2010 L'Wren Scott ready-to-wear line. From this photo the gown appears red, yet in actuality it is fushia or dark pink.

L'Wren Scott 2010 ready-to-wear collection is a beautiful line of clothing for ladies that love their bodies. The clothes are form fitting and really accentuate feminity. They display movement with different fabrics and small details. The line is composed of not only evening gowns, but day wear like skinny pants/trousers, dresses, and jackets. You can purchase the designer's line from her website:

L'Wren Scott's gowns can be pricey ranging from $1,500 to $5,000 USD. If your looking to be the center of attention and have the money to spend, these would be the gowns to chose from. Hense Nicole Kidman's selection  :) H

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sammy Sosa Responds to Bleaching Allegations

Sammy Sosa Responds to Bleaching Allegations

Zhu Zhu Pets playing the disappearing game: Will they be around for Black Friday?

Zhu Zhu Pets playing the disappearing game: Will they be around for Black Friday?

Zhu Zhu Pet Hamster Craze

These are the 'craze' toy for this holiday season. As a parent or gift giver you need to ask youself, "How desperate are you to have this for your child, relative, or friend?" If you answered, "Very desperate." Then your next question would be, "How much are you willing to pay?" If you are willing to pay top dollar and have delivery ASAP? Then Amazon is going to be your only choice. They have everything in stock. You can have you choice of the following:

Good Luck in your purchasing these Zhu Zhus!

Monday, November 9, 2009


You got to give the man, baseball player Sammy Sosa, credit for coming up with the term 'rejuvenation process' for his apparent cosmetic proceedure in lightening his skin tone. His apperance has dramatically changed. The colored contact lenses are another change; subtle and even enhancing. It also appears that either through surgery or stratigic makeup, his nose is slimmer too. Let's all just hope he plans to stop there.Then again, what about below his neck? Has he has a 'rejuvenation process' there too? I think he needs to have a full length photo spread to show the world, and the women in it, what he has going all the way up and down his body!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I Want to Smack Jon Gosselin!

Have you read the new 'US Weekly' dated August 3, 2009? The cover reads 'Kate's Sad Kids.' It should read 'Jon's Sad Kids!!!!'

All we see from cover to cover of different publications or on entertainment news is about Jon's new and infamous personal life. From his girlfriends, to his possible new business venture with an Ed Hardy children's clothing line, to his European vacations, cavorting on yachts in the South of France, his luxury spending, and his casual relaxed jeans attire.

What about Kate? She is stuck home taking care of 8 children!!!! Yes, there are rumors of her affair and lifestyle changes. Think about it, she should have some rewards too?! Compared to Jon, she has the short end of the stick!

After all she gave birth twice, one set of twins and then the sextuplets (not and easy task for any woman). The viewers of the TLC show all know the details of the Jon and Kate raising their 8 kids. The viewers and non-viewers should unbiasedly think that she is the one doing the domestic duty the majority of the time. That has to be draining whether you have help or not. The drain can be mentality, spirituality, physically, and emotionally. So what if she is photographed having some alone time? At least she is fulfilling her job as a Mother!

Meanwhile Jon's role as a Father is clearly not his number one job or priority. He is becoming a poster child for single dads everywhere that if they are having trouble with their marriage, home life, or children to just leave. After all, Jon is glamorizing that effect with his new younger girlfriends, single life, and high lifestyle.

In the end, he is only hurting his children. They may not understand now, as they are too young. When they do and Jon realizes they do, he will have lost 8 of the best relationships he could have ever had.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Are you ever too old for Hello Kitty?


Michael Jackson said, "If you didn't know how old you are, how old would you be?"

In that case, I am old enough for Hello Kitty!

In fact, I would probably have my entire room and bathroom in Hello Kitty if I could!

Keep in mind, Kimora has her own line with all the bling a girl desires! I will try and get some link options for those 'must have items!'

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Michael Jackson's Paternity?


The man was a single dad with three children. He could be the paternal Father? He could be an adopted parent? He could have had them via surrogate with anonymous donor egg and/or sperm? WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?!

Michael Jackson wanted children and to show them love. It is apparent he accomplished both. Why does it have to be any one's business?

'Some things in life are best unknown' would be the most appropriate in respect to a man that has lost his life too soon. A very talented man who has filled many hearts with his talent.

For those of us (myself being one) who really respect his passing, we know that these were his children that he loved and raised. They will most certainly miss their Father and 'no money' in the world can replace that.

The world should just let the gossip and negativity of Michael's paternity of his children be left alone and only their future be in mind. H

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson's Death

What great loss to the entertainment and music industry. These people were icons for their pop genre decades and beyond. Farrah for her beauty and Michael for his music.

The great part of their lives is that they will always live on. Through the pictures, video footage, and music.

Farrah will always be known for Charlie's Angels and her famous 'feathered' hair. She suffered tremendously with her cancer and was always loved by her on/off again love, Ryan O'Neal.

Michael and his talent with music were unique beyond comparison. Ask any of the top music performers; Madonna, Cher, Smokey Robinson, Celion Dion, to name a few..... This was 'THE' greatest musican of our time. I was fortunate enough to see Michael in 1984, here in South Florida, and along with his brothers for the 'Jackson Tour.' Of course we all remember 'Thriller,' the song, the video, and the making of the video.

No one can ever replace these two, they will be greatly missed, and always loved.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Kimmora Lee Simmons

You gotta admit, Kimora Lee Simmons has it all. She is famous, lives in a beautiful home, has two adorable little girls, a new baby boy with actor Djimon Hounsou, is President of a fashion house, an entrepreneur etc., etc....... How much better does it get?

Wouldn't we all like to emulate this?

Well if you were a fashion model at an early age, did runway for one of the top fashion houses in the world, married well, an divorced well? YOU WOULD! I WOULD TOO!

For those of us whom do not posess this resume, what can we do?

Always know that what you have is the best. The glass is always half full, never half empty.

Never compare yourself with anyone else. You are unique. Even if you were that 'person,' you would be better than they are.

Remeber if you can not be good, be good at it. H